Chocolate Lounges Taste Sweet Success” (hereinafter, “Ethel’s”) case study and will address: (1) the type of consumer buying decision that describes the indulgence of Ethel’s; (2) factors that cause a consumer to visit and buy at Ethel’s; (3) justify the factor the writer thinks motivates a consumer most; and (4) assess what the Ethel’s experience needs to appeal to most Chocolate Lounges Taste Sweet Success 10/25/ 1. Describe the type of consumer buying decision that best describes the choice to indulge at Ethel’s. Ethel’s Chocolate lounges are chocolate or candy based restaurants that where created by the Mars corporation. The Mars Corporation is the same corporation that makes the famous M&M candy Ethel’s chocolate lounge is portrayed as “testimony to the person’s upward mobility”. Even though membership is not needed to access, it can have a restricted experience to those who are able to afford the delectable treats. The mixture of an adequate surrounding, the various kinds of chocolate presented and the “country club
Ethel's Chocolate Lounges
In: Other Topics. There is no need to spend an extensive amount of time researching what it is, its benefits, side effects, or other details that one would be interested in knowing about before trying a completely different and new product because they have a general idea of its use and effects which falls under the characteristics of Limited Decision Making.
Consumer buying process When consumers buy a product or service, the consumer decision-making process is generally followed. As we have learned, this process usually falls into three broad categories denoted as the continuum of consumer buying decisions: routine consumer behavior, limited decision making, and extensive decision making.
Consumers often follow the stages of the decision-making process but often times the stages are reversed or skipped much like that of impulse buying for example, when a consumer will most likely skip all together, the information search and evaluation of alternatives stages. the chocolate shop. Consumers will seek out new ways to get what they want when they are bored with the old ones.
CONSUMERS BUYING DECISIONS As noted in the Case Study the chocolate house dates back to the 17th Century as a place where the elite socialites would indulge on chocolate treats and sip hot chocolate in luxurious surroundings and in upscale boutiques. Consumers buying decisions usually fall into three categories: routine responses behavior, limited decision making and extensive decision making ethels chocolate lounges essays five factors: involvement, time, cost, information search, ethels chocolate lounges essays, and number of alternatives.
Ethel's Chocolate Lounges 1. Limited decision making consumers are those having previous experience with similar product but are not familiar with the current market. This type of decision making requires low level of involvement but higher than in everyday decisions. Five factors determine the level of involvement: previous experience, interest, perceived risk of negative consequences, situation and social visibility.
It was only meant for the societies elite during that time. They would sip their chocolate and relax in luxurious surroundings.
Today the company founders and management wants to bring back that luxurious surrounding with an exquisite taste of chocolate that everyone can afford. One type of consumer buying decision that indulges consumers the most is their involvement. Another type of consumer buying decision is the routine response behavior from a consumer. Mostly low cost goods and services are a result from routine response behavior because consumers spend less time on searches and decisions before making a purchase.
One other consumer buying decision is an extensive decision making process. The consumer wants to make the right decision so they want to know as much as they can about the product or service, ethels chocolate lounges essays.
If a consumer really likes the product they will come back for more. The lounges offer unique chocolate as well as hot and cold ethels chocolate lounges essays in a relaxing and neighborhood-like environment.
This is a place for people to go for good chocolate and friendly conversation. Consumer buying decision This type of consumer buying decision is limited decision making. Those who choose this type of store already have a working knowledge of chocolate and also have an idea of what this store offers.
These 5 factors are previous experience, interest, perceived risk of negative consequences, situation, and social visibility. Previous experience would They strive to be more like Starbucks, and to sell the experience of having great atmosphere, gourmet chocolate, and at very reasonable prices, ethels chocolate lounges essays.
These strategies use consumer buying decisions such as routine response behavior, limited decision making, and extensive decision making. Consumers engaging in limited decision making have a low level of involvement and make little effort in searching for information on alternative brands or products. If the consumer discovers a particular item they normally purchase is not available, the consumer will look for a similar product.
In searching for a similar item, the consumer may base their decision on similar ingredients, if the items were on sale, or their prior The Lounge seems like a place that I would visit from time to time with my friends and family. The president of Chocolate Marketing claimed in the case study that enjoying chocolate in a luxurious lounge is like taking a candle-lit bubble bath. That is exactly what I first thought while reading through the case, nibbling on a premium chocolate truffle and sipping on a creamy cup of hot chocolate on comfy sofa with friends and family.
The prices to me seem reasonable but will ethels chocolate lounges essays put a big influence on how often I would treat myself or my family to these indulges. Limited decision making is ethels chocolate lounges essays type of decision making ethels chocolate lounges essays requires a moderate amount of time for gathering information and deliberating about an unfamiliar brand in a familiar product category Lamb, This type of Mars organization may prove to be a very excellent marketing strategy to boost the sales of ethels chocolate lounges essays. The Lounge will cater to the female and male consumer.
The male gender will be in search of sweet treats for their wives and girlfriends for special events. Male gender will visit the shop to make a purchase for somebody special. The Mars brand is very popular and has produced familiar products for alot of years. However, it's the extensive decision that will support the chocolate lounge. Interested constomers will take there time to research the new product in order to make an informed decision.
The first factor is the attractiveness of the lounge with the Later, Europeans expanded on that idea and developed solid chocolate treats that sold in upscale boutiques. Lacking the resources and economy of established continental, bootstrapping American settlers pioneered the development of cheaper chocolate bars for the masses.
Centuries have passed, ethels chocolate lounges essays, and the American palate has tired of the taste of mass- produced chocolate, ethels chocolate lounges essays. The U. This lounge was trying to be like a Starbucks. They wanted to sell gourmet chocolates for decent prices. Extensive decision making is the most complex type of consumer decision making when buying an unfamiliar, expensive product Lamb, Hair, McDaniel,p, ethels chocolate lounges essays.
Some examples why consumers would use the extensive decision making would be because Later, the Americans flooded the market with cheap chocolate bars for the masses, of which people lost taste in. That eliminates the routine decision making option. Some may not have the extra funds, and may question whether people will view them negatively for consuming that expensive chocolate ethels chocolate lounges essays order to They strive be more like the Starbucks, and to sell the experience of having great atmosphere, gourmet chocolate, and at very reasonable prices I think.
The routine response behavior decision making process is very low and consumers take little time on researching and decision making of the purchase. An explanation on which factor I think will motivate a consumer the most will Home Page Other Topics. Premium Essay. Ethel's Chocolate Lounges In: Other Topics Submitted By tutie Words Pages 5.
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Ethel M Chocolates #ActsOfSweetness
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Ethel's Chocolate Lounges. There are three categories of consumers purchasing decisions. They are: routine response behavior, limited decision-making and extensive decision-making (Charles et al., , p). The type of a purchase decision taken by a consumer depends on the length of time taken to make the purchase decision, level of Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins Chocolate Lounges Taste Sweet Success” (hereinafter, “Ethel’s”) case study and will address: (1) the type of consumer buying decision that describes the indulgence of Ethel’s; (2) factors that cause a consumer to visit and buy at Ethel’s; (3) justify the factor the writer thinks motivates a consumer most; and (4) assess what the Ethel’s experience needs to appeal to most The passage on Ethel’s highlights the fact that the opening of lounges aims at attracting chocolate lovers in a similar fashion to the way coffee lovers flock to Starbucks, which indicates high frequency that is a characteristic of routine responsive types of decisions
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