The University; Programmes and courses; Admission and enrolment; Learning and teaching; Research; Perspectives; International Strategy; Māori ki Tāmaki Makaurau | Māori at the University; Pacific at the University; Equity at the University | Te Ara Tautika; Giving to Auckland; Careers at Auckland; News, events and notices Preferably, the letters should be from academic staff of your home university, who can comment on your research capability and experience. One referee should be your thesis/dissertation supervisor. Doctoral referees complete this report to support a student's application to Analysis of PhD Theses. Over a three-year time period, Dr Ian Brailsford, a then Postgraduate Learning Adviser at the University of Auckland, analysed doctoral thesis submitted to his university’s library. The PhD theses which formed the basis of his analysis were produced between to and showed
Judy Wilyman - Wikipedia
The Doctor of Philosophy PhD is the University's highest qualification. The degree is undertaken by research only and leads to advanced academic and theoretical knowledge in a specialist area, auckland university phd thesis.
The PhD is suitable for students who want to pursue an academic or research career, or a senior position in the public or private sector. Doctoral studies present you with the opportunity to generate new ideas that can benefit business and society. You will make a significant original contribution to knowledge and understanding in your field of study and meet recognised international standards for your work.
AUT's academic supervisors are recognised world-class researchers who have the expert knowledge in their fields to guide you throughout your studies. admissions aut, auckland university phd thesis. nz first to assess your eligibility for the programme. Browse research expertise, auckland university phd thesis. Scholarships at AUT. The degree must normally have been gained at the standard auckland university phd thesis first class or second class first division honours from this University or a recognised equivalent, auckland university phd thesis.
The degree should include advanced learning in research, execution of a research project and a written report on the research. International student entry requirements. Acceptance is subject to the availability of staff for supervision, prior research preparation and appropriate facilities. Prospective PhD applicants are required to prepare a formal research proposal, auckland university phd thesis, specifying the field of research and a general research question you wish to investigate.
PGR2: Admission to a doctoral programme. PGR2 Guidelines for the Faculty of Business, Economics and Law. PGR2 Guidelines for the Faculty of Culture and Society. Submit your signed application and research proposal PGR2 form to your faculty's postgraduate office 4 weeks auckland university phd thesis to your chosen start date. If you're planning to start on 1 February, submit your auckland university phd thesis by 15 December. Once the required information is received, we will forward your enquiry to the relevant faculty who will communicate to auckland university phd thesis about the outcome of your application, possible research areas auckland university phd thesis supervisors.
We require a portfolio between annotated images as a pdf or PowerPoint file or a URL for a website. Provide evidence of completing the courses Microeconomics, Macroeconomics and Econometrics at postgraduate level. Course syllabus or similar is required for assessment of comparability of those courses to those taken in New Zealand. Doctoral students will attain the knowledge, values and attributes to make significant contributions to their professional communities and societies through further high-quality research, and developments.
You put together a proposal that critically reviews work done in your area of research, auckland university phd thesis. This requires a suitable research methodology and a timeframe for completion of the degree.
You are expected to publish one or more papers for a reputed international conference in your chosen area of research. Once you have completed your research proposal, you refine your design, collect data and conduct your research as appropriate. Data is collected and analysed and the results are published at international auckland university phd thesis. A journal publication is also encouraged at this point.
The first step in the final stage of the PhD is finalising the data collection and analysis. You then write your PhD thesis and submit it to the supervisor for feedback. It could take two or three drafts before the thesis is ready for submission and examination. The outcomes for graduates of the Doctor of Philosophy are outlined in the Graduate Profile below. Graduate Profile. It is expected that graduates with a Doctor of Philosophy will have gained the necessary skills and qualifications to follow an academic or research career.
Alternatively, your research topic may lead you to a position of expertise in your chosen field. The opportunities to apply the knowledge and skills you gain through a PhD will be extensive, auckland university phd thesis, both in industry and academia. The information on this page was correct at time of publication. For a comprehensive overview of AUT qualifications, please refer to the Academic Calendar. This site uses cookies.
By continuing to browse the site you are agreeing to our use of cookies. You can change your cookie settings in your web browser at any time. Learn more. In this section Study options Architecture and built environment Art and design Business Creative technologies Communication studies Education Engineering, computer and mathematical sciences Health sciences Hospitality, tourism and events Language and culture Law Science Social sciences and public policy Sport and recreation Te Ara Poutama: Māori and indigenous development Online postgraduate courses Future career sheets Programme Guides Why study at AUT?
Applying Fees and scholarships Information for school leavers Information for career advisors Information for parents and whānau Returning to study: information for adult students Semester dates. Home Doctor of Philosophy. Doctor of Philosophy The Doctor of Philosophy PhD is the University's highest qualification. Explore our research expertise AUT's academic supervisors are recognised world-class researchers who have the expert knowledge in their fields to guide you throughout your studies.
How to apply. Apply now. Start date: Download our doctoral degree brochure [PDF, 4. Quick Facts. Programme code:. City Campus North Campus South Campus. This represents the approximate tuition fee based on auckland university phd thesis full-time workload of points in The exact tuition fee will depend on courses selected and may exceed this figure.
Auckland university phd thesis are subject to change year to year. If you are planning for beyondauckland university phd thesis, fees may vary from those stated. There may also be other fees and charges you need to pay. Learn more about fees to study at AUT. Learn more about fees to study at AUT International students' tuition fees reflect the full cost of tuition.
Domestic students' tuition fees are less due to a proportion of the tuition fees being funded by the New Zealand Government. International student entry requirements English language requirements Auckland university phd thesis, Computer and Mathematical Sciences IELTS Academic 6. How to apply for the Doctor of Philosophy Contact the Graduate Research School and provide the information required for assessing an application The Graduate Research School will assess your eligibility and forward to the relevant faculty to confirm possible research areas and supervisors Where the faculty confirms the availability of resources, including supervision, auckland university phd thesis, they will request for you to complete the formal research proposal and application for enrolment Once the research proposal is confirmed by the faculty, it will be sent to the Graduate Research School for approval and to issue an Offer of Place doctoral.
nz Preparing a research proposal Prospective PhD applicants are required to prepare a formal research proposal, specifying the field of research and a general research question you wish to investigate. PGR2: Admission to a doctoral programme PGR2 Guidelines for the Faculty of Business, Economics and Law PGR2 Guidelines for the Faculty of Culture and Society When to submit your research proposal Submit your signed application and research proposal PGR2 form to your faculty's postgraduate office 4 weeks prior to your chosen start date.
If your postgraduate study was completed in English within three years, this may be waived Once the required information is received, we will forward your enquiry to the relevant faculty who will communicate to you about the outcome of your application, possible research areas and supervisors.
Stage 1 You put together a proposal that critically reviews work done in your area of research. Stage 2 Once you have completed your research proposal, you refine your design, collect auckland university phd thesis and conduct your research as appropriate. Stage 3 The first step in the final stage of the PhD is finalising the data collection and analysis.
Skills you will develop The outcomes for graduates of the Doctor of Philosophy are outlined in the Graduate Profile below. Quick facts. Great graduates Helen Hoang Doctor of Philosophy Bachelor of Advanced Science Honours Certificate in Applied Science Her time at AUT has helped her discover her passion for marine science, says Helen Hoang whose academic journey has stretched from a certificate to a PhD.
Her time at AUT has helped her discover her passion for marine science, says Helen Hoang whose academic journey has stretched from a certificate all the way to a PhD. Since discovering her love of marine science in her undergraduate degree, Helen has developed a strong interest in fish biology, which is now also the focus of her PhD.
Great graduates Dalya Al-Mohamadamin Doctor of Philosophy Auckland university phd thesis her PhD in biomedical engineerig, Dalya Al-Mohamadamin is exploring a new approach to treat sleep apnea, a sleep disorder where a person stops breathing.
For her PhD in biomedical engineering, Dalya Al-Mohamadamin is exploring a new approach to treat sleep apnea, a sleep disorder where a person stops breathing while sleeping. Great graduates Qingyi Zhang Doctor of Philosophy Master of International Hospitality Management She is fascinated by the history of hospitality, says Qingyi Zhang who came to AUT as an international student from China and is currently completing her PhD.
She is fascinated by the history of hospitality, says Qingyi Zhang who came to AUT as an international student from China and is currently completing her PhD. Her doctoral research focuses on hospitality in China during the Tang dynasty, between the years and Great graduates Damithri Jayasekara Doctor of Philosophy She wants to help her home country reduce the impacts of natural disasters, says Damithri Jayasekara who came to AUT as an international student from Sri Lanka.
She wants to help her home country reduce the impacts of natural disasters, says Damithri Jayasekara who came to AUT as an international student from Sri Lanka to study a PhD in disaster and risk management and development. Great graduates Subhash Chand Doctor of Philosophy For his PhD, Subhash Chand aims to use a novel remotely piloted aircraft system with multi-sensors to supplement spatial and temporal data collection. For his PhD, Subhash Chand aims to use a novel remotely piloted aircraft system with multi-sensors to supplement spatial and temporal data collection in a temperate estuary in Auckland, auckland university phd thesis, New Zealand.
His study — which is being supervised by Associate Professor Barbara Bollard — is focused on two benthic marine habitats; seagrass meadows and oyster reefs. View more. I accept. Website search Search Search main AUT website Search current student info Student Hub Online.
Why PhD study is a great option for practising clinicians
, time: 2:11Doctor of Philosophy - AUT

There is no single comprehensive listing for all theses in progress. However there are a number of websites and publications which list current research, and many university departments list theses in progress. Use Google Scholar to search for the phrases "PhD in progress" or "thesis in progress". These are some websites with theses in progress University of Auckland biological scientist Helen Petousis Harris, who has a PhD in Vaccinology, was highly critical of the thesis and writes: Wilyman's "references to support these outrageous comments are from the bottom dwelling literature that includes year-old discussions along with well-established, thoroughly debunked pseudoscience History Origins. The University of Auckland began as a constituent college of the University of New Zealand, founded on 23 May as Auckland University blogger.comdship of the University during its establishment period was the responsibility of John Chapman Andrew (Vice Chancellor of the University of New Zealand –). Housed in a disused courthouse and jail, it started out with
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