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Argumentative essay on drinking age

Argumentative essay on drinking age

argumentative essay on drinking age

 · This is probably the biggest argument that many use when expressing their opinions on why the drinking age should be lowered. An eighteen year old with a gun in his hand is more dangerous than an eighteen year old with a beer in his blogger.comted Reading Time: 10 mins Legal Drinking Age. Legality of drinking and purchase of alcoholic beverages has been a controversial topic in many nations. The cognitive development aspect of children coming to play causing diverse views on maturity of a person both in reasoning and psychological well-being. This has led to different countries having a minimum legal drinking age (MLDA) This decline happened among the ages that were directly affected by the raising of minimum legal drinking age to twenty-one from eighteen years as well as the younger age group (ages sixteen and seventeen) that was not affected directly (Voas, Tippetts & Fell,).Studies further reveal that there has been a 16% fall in road accidents due to drunk-driving youth led by the raising the drinking age by Estimated Reading Time: 13 mins

Argumentative Essay On Lowering The Drinking Age |

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Download Free DOC. Download Free PDF. Argumentative Essay- Drinking Age should be increased to Ibrahim Obi Bryt. Download PDF Download Full PDF Package This paper. A short summary of this paper. Download Argumentative essay on drinking age. Download Full PDF Package. Translate PDF. The excessive drinking among young adults especially in college results in negative externalities, argumentative essay on drinking age, and there are legal procedures that can reduce or prevent these problems maybe argumentative essay on drinking age a later age when they are mature enough and responsible.

Most economies have implemented the requirement of the drinking age as twenty- one instead of the conventional legal age of eighteen or sixteen in some countries Elements Behavioral Health, The notion of raised drinking age is greatly gaining traction over the past few years, argumentative essay on drinking age, and the primary purpose is to prevent alcohol-related harm by young people.

This paper will support my claim that the drinking age should be raised to twenty-five years because it is the age when the brain and the nervous systems have developed to physical maturity. Alcohol Consumption Imperatives among the young Adults The consumption of alcohol and drug has a more severe effect on the young people than it does in older adults.

Young adults through to the age of twenty-five are still developing, and the consequences of alcohol consumption can be more severe among this group. Most youth combine alcohol consumption with the use of other hard drugs especially in parties, and the ingestion of these drugs can influence how they behave around people or at worse, cause diseases such as cancer or kidney failure Kidspot, Also, the preference of the young adults getting cardiac arrest due to ingestion of stimulants is high than that in adults.

Drinking among those under the age of 25 is a public health problem. Young people drink more alcohol that the older adults in a single sitting.

This observation is argumentative essay on drinking age to the Centre for Disease Control CDC with is in tandem with various studies in the U. Statistic indicates that of all the alcohol taken in the U. This situation leads to many such youths been prevalent to HIV argumentative essay on drinking age STDs infections.

Such infection is attributed to the fact that the young people tend to explore a lot and go for adventures with friends and engage in unprotected sex while on vacation trips with their peers. Raising the drinking age to 25 could curtail the excessive drinking and resulting negative consequences among college students.

The numbers of death cases reported amongst college students are greatly attributed to drug use or excessive consumption of alcohol. There is easy access to alcohol on campus since the population is of mixed ages and it is difficult sometimes to tell those who are underage. Even if restrictions were implemented, they could find their way by using their aged compatriots to buy the booze for them Should the drinking age be raised, n.

Therefore, if the drinking age was increased to 25, a majority of college going scholars could be found underage, and it would reduce the excessive consumption of alcohol as well as the negative consequences such as road accidents and irresponsible fights that sometimes cause the death of the comrades.

The claim that raising the drinking age to twenty-five years would result in the decline of consumption of alcohol among the young people is based on the fact that earlier legislation on raising the drinking age from eighteen to twenty-one years have led to a fall in the number of crashes involving young people Institute of Medicine, The cause and effect connection between minimum legal drinking ages of twenty- one and reduction of highway accidents is clear.

Since Julythe minimum legal drinking age has been twenty-one in the U. These were the years when states were setting up, or restoring, a minimum legal drinking age at twenty-one MLDA- Research is undertaken by the University of Minnesota on the effect of raising the drinking age also came to an inference that raining the minimum drinking age can save the lives of the young people.

The legislation is gaining adoption even by the countries in the east such as Australia and India Ashar, and these countries cite the reason for regulation as a de-addiction policy, argumentative essay on drinking age.

Heavy penalties should be taken against those found to violate these laws since the young people would tend to defy the law if they realized a weakness in the system.

The young people are vulnerable to the risk of addiction. The earlier people start drinking, the more likely that they will be argumentative essay on drinking age later in life. Consequently, they end up drinking a lot of alcohol to the extent that their bodies become dependent on the intake of slightest amount of liquor for its functioning.

The impact of alcohol on a developing brain among the young people is far acuter compared to the more mature one; just as is the risk of addiction. Survival analysis uncovers a rapid progression to liquor related damage among the individuals who revealed having their first drink at youthful ages.

Rates for subjects who started to drink at ages thirteen and nineteen were Conversely, rates for the individuals who began drinking at ages older age groups was 1. Studies also reveal that early drinking results in poor performance on tests of memory, attention, and spatial skills, argumentative essay on drinking age. Drinking at an early age was found to interfere with the part of the brain that is responsible for memory. This is especially the reason why those who drink are less likely to remember the events that transpired when they were in the state of intoxication.

Irregularities have been found in cerebrum structure volume, white matter quality, and initiation to intellectual undertakings, even in youth with as meager as one to two years of excessive drinking levels of twenty alcoholic beverages for every month, particularly if more than four to five drinks are taken in a single event. These anomalies are also among the heavy marijuana users.

In addition to neurological complication, argumentative essay on drinking age, alcohol consumption can result in depression as well as anxiety. Alcohol addiction can result in irresponsible spending by the young people who end up getting drained into financial strains.

The uncertainty arising from financial instability causes stress leading to depression. The intoxication can also cause a lot of anxiety in the young adults who end up making irrational decisions that they end up regretting the rest of their lives. The argument about the drinking age may not be the problem to decision making, and the focus should be on how to reduce and prevent the damage caused by alcohol consumption.

Alcohol is not only harming young people but also the most socially acceptable act. Those who don't drink alcohol are perceived religious and in some cases sidelined by their friends when planning for adventures. Although there exist substantive reasons to support the claim that alcohol consumption has a detrimental effect on the young people, less has been done to address the issue Allsop, According to Moskowitzraising the minimum alcohol consumption age is only but one mechanism to addressing the alarming increase in alcohol- related complications among the youths.

In the paper, Moskowitz identifies other three interventions measures that would not only physically bar the youths from consuming alcohol but will affect their cognition on the detrimental effect of taking alcohol at their youthful age. These interventions include controlling the prices of alcohol and advertisement. According to Moskowitzargumentative essay on drinking age, raising the price of alcohol to the point that the youth that is argumentative essay on drinking age on guidance for money or is still at their early career level would discourage them from purchasing alcohol.

Another mechanism to reduce alcohol consumption among the youth below age twenty- five is introducing social control measures in alcohol- related behavior including drinking- driving laws if the concern is to prevent road car crashes. To prevent deaths if accidents occur, an environmental safety measure that includes fitting automobile airbags would be very effective. However, the most important mechanism is to introduce and strengthen the primary prevention programs that include school- based alcohol education and seminar Moskowitz, This measure would help to mold the youth to become responsible young adults and value their health and wealth.

The use of preventive programs, however, are considered more efficacious than prevention policies since they shape the societies norm, especially among the youth. Conclusion Alcohol consumption among the young people argumentative essay on drinking age so detrimental argumentative essay on drinking age only to the social- economic situation like financial drain and risks of road accidents that mostly lead to the death of an individual but the also health complications.

Such health problems include memory loss, argumentative essay on drinking age, depression, and psychological complications. The drinking age should be raised to 25 years because the physical maturity of the brain and nervous system is at the age of This would increase productivity among the youth as well as secure their future physical, mental and economic stability, argumentative essay on drinking age.

However, other measures need to be integrated so as to raise awareness of the detrimental health and social- economic impact of the alcoholic consumption among the young adult. Strong evidence for raising argumentative essay on drinking age age but little support. Retrieved April 24,argumentative essay on drinking age, from Ashar, S, argumentative essay on drinking age.

Maha raises drinking age to 25 yrs - Times of India. cms DeWit, D. Age at first alcohol use: a risk factor for the development of alcohol disorders. American Journal of Psychiatry, 5 Elements Behavioral Health. The Legal Drinking Age: 18, 21, or 25? Legislative approaches to prevention of alcohol related problems. Place of publication not identified: Rarebooksclub Com. AMA recommends the drinking age be raise to 25 - Parent Exchange. Effects of minimum drinking age laws on alcohol use, related behaviors and traffic crash involvement among American youth: Journal of studies on Alcohol, 52 5 Moskowitz, J.

The primary prevention of alcohol problems: a critical review of the research literature. Journal of studies on alcohol, 50 1 Should the drinking age be argumentative essay on drinking age The influence of substance use on adolescent brain development.

Clinical EEG and neuroscience, 40 1 Assessing the effectiveness of minimum legal drinking age and zero tolerance laws in the United States. Related Papers Community Prevention Handbook on Adolescent Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment: Evidence-Based Practices By Abraham Wandersman and Elizabeth D'Amico.

Alcohol and Development in Youth By Phương Anh Dương.

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(DOC) Argumentative Essay- Drinking Age should be increased to 25 | Ibrahim Obi Bryt -

argumentative essay on drinking age

Argumentative Essay On The Drinking Age. Words6 Pages. Over the years, the legal drinking age in the United States has been heavily debated. Some argue that the legal age to drink should be 18 or 19 because people at that age are recognized as adults; others argue that the drinking age should be 21 because people who are able to drink should be more mature and have their lives better planned out This decline happened among the ages that were directly affected by the raising of minimum legal drinking age to twenty-one from eighteen years as well as the younger age group (ages sixteen and seventeen) that was not affected directly (Voas, Tippetts & Fell,).Studies further reveal that there has been a 16% fall in road accidents due to drunk-driving youth led by the raising the drinking age by Estimated Reading Time: 13 mins Legal Drinking Age. Legality of drinking and purchase of alcoholic beverages has been a controversial topic in many nations. The cognitive development aspect of children coming to play causing diverse views on maturity of a person both in reasoning and psychological well-being. This has led to different countries having a minimum legal drinking age (MLDA)

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